Contact & Facebook

Find me on Facebook:  Sheryl Moore Valentine  because I post news about new blogs and activities there.  It is also a fabulous way to keep in touch and share love with my friends!

I can be found there: Sheryl Moore Valentine

Also my email address in
If you are not already in my email address book, your email may go to
the spam file. So If I don’t respond, please try again, and put
something in the subject matter that may identify as not spam.

And of course I can also be privately messaged through FB once you
on the friend list.

A note about Facebook. Some of my friends have been sort of snobby
about FB, even me at times. But after I was diagnosed with brain
tumors and unbeknownst to me my niece posted about it on FB, I
received literally 100s of messages of love and prayer and support.

Facebook has been and continues to be an amazing source of love
and support and encouragement for so many.

That Said, this message still stands! Much Love!

Hi Friends, I continue to feel So MUCH Love and APPRECIATION for all of you here on FB. Wow, Who Knew that FB could be such a source of love, healing and support!???? i FEEL YOUR LOVE, YOUR LIGHT AND YOUR PRAYERS. i APPRECIATE YOU MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER KNOW… AND I KNOW WE WILL SPEND TIME TOGETHER AGAIN! MUCH MUCH MUCH LOVE!